photo of coyote sent to Blog in May
On June 27th about 3:30am, neighbors living near Talaris woke up to three gun shots and learned that a coyote and possibly her pups were killed by the USDA APHIS wildlife services, supposedly initiated by a call from Talaris management.
The Blog received this information from a resident who contacted Talaris and said:
The Talaris team was informed that the Department of Agriculture received multiple inquiries from the surrounding community regarding the increasingly aggressive nature of the coyotes living in the area. Wildlife specialists visited the neighborhood on multiple occasions to assess the safety of residents, Talaris guests, and the coyotes. The highest priority for everyone is the safety and protection of our neighbors and we trust that the experts at the Dept. of Agriculture are taking the most appropriate measures to ensure protection for all involved.
And a neighbor forwarded to the Laurelhurst Blog this letter from Jeanine Neskey, USDA:APHIS - Wildlife Services:
Wildlife services received a request to assist in the management of several coyotes near the Laurelhurst neighborhood in Seattle. The coyotes had become increasingly aggressive toward people and pets in the area. Operations were conducted for three nights and included the use of a call box, a device which mimics animal distress sounds and attracts coyotes. Three coyotes were lethally removed. One coyote ran into heavy brambles on an adjacent property making it difficult to retrieve the body, and was removed first thing the following morning. It is believed there are no remaining coyotes on the property at this time.
It was terrible. My neighbor heard the shots and the heart wrenching sounds of the coyote screaming.
Last night one of my neighbors sadly reported seeing a coyote (possibly with pups) shot and killed at 3 am in Talaris. As it turns out, the coyote was supposedly one of the nuisance animals in the area who was approaching humans and had possibly attacked a dog.
I learned this afternoon that my neighbor was so shocked when she heard the 3 gunshots (yes, 3 gunshots. very gruesome.) she followed the person to the CUH where the body was supposedly dumped.
I was wondering if anyone said anything about coyotes attacking something around 330am Tuesday morning? I live on 42nd Avenue NE and heard coyotes attacking something that almost sounded human. It was either in Talaris or the Center for Urban Horticulture or somewhere around there. Anyway I heard what sounded like screams and two gunshots. Then I heard one more coyote howl and someone/something scream and then nothing.
We live on 42nd Avenue NE on the east side of Talaris. We were awakened at 2:30 am to the sounds of dogs or coyotes barking and/or fighting. These sounds were followed by two loud reports. It sounded like a shotgun and not a rifle. Then the barking stopped and a man’s voice was heard shouting something. Everything was quiet after that.
The Laurelhurst Blog contacted several property managers and representatives at Talaris asking for verification of the incident and where the coyote bodies are and if traps are on the property and there was no response.
Residents commented:
A neighbor reported seeing the same person who shot the coyote out looking for survivors last night around midnight. Another neighbor told me she called Talaris who confirmed they hired the USDA to kill the coyotes.
Neighbors are concerned about any remaining pups as well as traps that Talaris may have out saying:
I suspect the Talaris owners know where the den is as their workers may have been seen setting unlicensed live traps for these poor animals.
Neighbors who live on NE 41st Street have seen a litter of pups emerge near the curve in the west entry road to Talaris. They suspect the den, maybe several, may be there in brush on the left side of the curb.
A neighbor who lives across the street from Talaris said the dens are at left side of the curve in the west entrance road He said the grass seems disturbed there and that location could also be where Talaris maintenance workers were setting the traps.
What a shame the pups couldn't be relocated. It could be very tough to catch the pups but who knows if they are still alive if they can survive now. It's very sad.
Neighbors have written to the Blog saying:
It's a sad situation all around.
It's incredibly sad especially the suffering the coyote and now it's children are going through.
It does sound more and more like the late night shooting was illegal.
My neighbor confirmed that it was a USDA approved activity. It is concerning why the USDA would come into a neighborhood at the request of a private property owner without notice to anyone else and hunt down a mother coyote.
It is really important that Talaris be held accountable for their actions.
It is disturbing how the coyotes were killed. They were obviously tortured , one being shot three times alone, and they suffered. Where one coyote was shot, it was clear that it tried to drag it's injured body to a safe place, then was shot again and again. Another coyote was shot then left to die slowly in nearby brush. This is cruel and inhumane.
Here is a story that King5 aired last night titled "Neighbors divided over 3 coyotes killed in Laurelhurst."
For quite some time, residents mostly living and taking the trails near the Center for Urban Horticulture (3501 NE 41st Street) have regularly report coyote sightings. Especially, during the last few months many sightings have been reported.
Here are some reports during May and June the Laurelhurst Blog received:
My husband and I were walking when something ran out into the street in front of Talaris. It then stopped and ran back to Talaris. When we walked closer we realized it was a coyote and it was staring at us.
I saw a coyote several nights ago in Talaris as well in the field behind the fence.
I crossed paths with a coyote when I walked the Talaris grounds a few weeks ago. It stopped, stared at me (was interested but not scared) then slowly made its way into the dense wooded area directly east of the road that runs along the southwest corner of the property. That portion of the property seems perfect for a coyote. It's quiet and well protected, yet easily accessible to the swamp and arboretum. It wouldn't surprise me if a few coyotes call the Talaris grounds "home".
I saw a good sized coyote riding my bicycle in the early morning near the UW driving range parking lot. It walked right by me. It is a beautiful animal.
We saw a handsome coyote behind the greenhouses at the Urban Horticulture Center.
When I was taking a walk at the Center for Urban Horticulture a coyote came out of the bushes. It saw me, but turned and went back in the bushes. l saw a coyote in the grass meadow area in front of Talaris. He was just sitting there in plain site I live on NE Surber and I watched as a gorgeous healthy male coyote walked down the sidewalk. He was being mobbed by crows and ducking his head to fend off their dives. He ducked into a treed side yard and then resumed his walk crossing the street in front of our car so we got a good look at him. He kept walking toward the green belt and disappeared there still mobbed by crows. We saw a coyote one evening on 45th Avenue NE going into the bushes surrounding Children's Hospital. I saw a coyote walking down 51st Avenue NE in the late afternoon and it was very scared of me. Several morning ago, my dog and I were cornered and chased by two coyotes near Talaris. I was on my bike and rode away, dragging my dog, as fast as I could. They followed me for a long time despite my yelling. It was quite unnerving.Several neighbors sent in these links for living with coyotes:
Here is information the Laurelhurst Blog has posted about living with urban coyotes. | ||||||
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