The coyote was running south on 42nd Avenue NE, turning west on NE Surber Drive, heading towards Yesler Swamp, near the Center for Urban Horticulture.
The Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC) forwarded a letter they sent out to neighbors in May 2006 about coyotes, which Villa reprinted it in their newsletter.
Here is LCC's letter:
Once again, coyotes have been sited in the neighborhood. Coyotes are generally very shy. They most often eat mice, rats, squirrels, rabbits, road kill, fruit and insects.
Relocation is no longer allowed, although animal control officials may pursue rabid or dangerous animals. There are really only two alternatives. Pay someone to trap and kill the coyote who is probably feeding young or learn to coexist in our urban environment.
As one neighbor has stated, “It’s sad that this “song dog” to the American Indians, a shy, smart, adaptable animal is so feared.”
The following information has been provided by the Humane Society:
“Fortunately, living with coyotes is not difficult. It all boils down to a
number of relatively simple tasks: not giving coyotes an easy meal by leaving out pet food, unprotected garbage, or small animals (such as cats or dogs under 50 lbs.); and punishing them by shouting at or spraying water near them whenever they approach human property. Fruit that falls off trees should also be immediately picked up, since coyotes are omnivorous.
The more free meals they find and the more non-threatening people they encounter, the more coyotes will lose their fear of humans. If we refrain from feeding birds in areas where coyotes have been spotted, keep trash well-contained, put small dogs on leashes or behind coyote-proof fences, confine cats safely indoors, and make sure small children are always accompanied by adults in woodland areas, conflicts between our species can be minimized or eliminated.
Coyotes who adapt to human settlements become bolder, appearing often in daylight and sometimes standing their ground when threatened. Some media outlets have reported coyotes roaming onto front porches or backyards. Under these circumstances, animal control officers should be called in to take charge of the problem. Remember never to run from a coyote if you are confronted with one. Instead, make yourself look big, and shout. And always remember that coyotes are wild animals and should remain that way. Never try to feed them or pet them.”
Additional information about coyotes can be found here.
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