Thursday, July 1, 2010

Check out SPD's New Neighborhood On-line Crime Tracking Map

As you may have read in the Seattle Times, Seattle Police Department, released a brand new interactive crime reporting map on Monday of this week, that tracks crimes such as robberies, assault, graffiti, theft, homicides and others by a variety of different icons each color-coded mapping to the specific crime, along with a dialoge box that pops up detailing the crime further and giving a police report number.

SPD  says about this new online tool: "Making the majority of these reports available online is a service the Department is providing to the public to promote easier access and greater transparancy. This is at our discretion and is beyond the requirements of the Public Records Act. To balance the needs of public access vs. personal privacy, all reports are redacted and some types of crimes are not made available as part of this system."

Not all crimes, such as sex crimes and domestic violence incidents will be reported on the site according to the website.

"With the Police Reports Map system, SPD is making almost all of our reports available online. The Department attempted to be very thoughtful about what information was released and what was not. These decisions were not made to "hide" types of crimes from the public, instead decisions were made about who to protect,"the website says.
Crimes are posted on the site 6- 12 hours after the report has been processed by an officer responding to the crime.

The time for a subsequent report to be made available could be 2-3 days according to the SPD website.

The map showed several car theft prowls for Laurelhurst giving the general location, date and police report number.

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