Monday, June 16, 2014

Neighbor Requests Sidewalks Be Kept Clear Of Shrubs

We received this email:
I live in Laurelhurst and walk my dog everyday. Sometimes I walk with a family member or friend and it's impossible to walk side by side in many parts of Laurelhurst because neighbors have allowed their plants/trees/bushes to grow onto the sidewalk.  
Please cut back plants to keep sidewalks clear for walking. Also cut trees above the sidewalk. This is a requirement of all homeowners. Instead of making us call the City and report this, please be a good neighbor and take care of your sidewalks.

Seattle City law requires adjacent property owners to maintain and clean sidewalks as stated on their website:
The Seattle Municipal Code requires that adjacent property owners keep their sidewalks in good repair and safe for public travel.  This means keeping the sidewalk clear from vegetation overgrowth, snow and ice accumulation, as well as making repairs to the sidewalks when damaged. Additional information for adjacent property owners can be found here 

To report sidewalk concerns or for questions go here.


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