Rhea Kulikova, new owner of Le Petit Shoppe
Rhea Kulikova, took ownership this week of Le Petit Shoppe (3423 NE 45th Street), a children's consignment store, after Katherine, the owner for several years put it up for sale.
Rhea told us that it's always been her dream to have her own boutique, since "playing boutique" as a child with her sister where they would practice buying and selling items in their house.
That dream never left her and after a visit to the Shoppe with her family finding "amazing stuff to buy," she was inspired to write a letter to the owner of Le Petite Shoppe before it was up for sale to ask the current owner if she'd consider selling it to her, who wasn't interested at the time. Then she saw the recent for sale notice, and jumped on it.
Rhea told us that after the birth of her baby girl, who she said "turned her my world upside down, rightside up and taught me a few things along the way - life is short, do what you love and laugh as much as possible, follow your bliss, that it took her down the Consignment/Resale path. Originally from Minnesota, and living with her family in Greenlake, Rhea was, a UW graduate, was a doctor for a few years, in her own practice.
Rhea told us she intends to make some changes. She said she "will give it some time to get to know the customer base and understand their needs/wants."
She is especially interested in knowing what the kids want and has put out a suggestion box and will give rewards to those kids whose ideas she implements. "Now is the time to design your own ideal shopping experience! Let's get creative!" she told us.
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