Friday, July 30, 2010

Calling All 50 And Over Yoga Enthusiasts

Michael and her husband sent us email to spread the word that the Gentle Yoga class for seniors at the Community Center starting on Tuesday and running for 6 weeks needs more people to sign up in order to keep it happening "at the beautiful and convenient Laurelhurst Center (as opposed to a less pleasant facility at Magnuson park),"' Michael writes.

Michael and her husband are in their sixties and have been taking Judith Robin's Gentle Yoga classes for yearsand the Laurelhurst Community center is their favorite location for classes among the nearby centers.

"The Laurelhurst location is the absolute best: the building is lovely, and the views out of the windows are wonderful. It is a setting very conducive to doing yoga. This summer, due to the fact that only five people are now signed up, we are in danger of having the Laurelhurst class merged in with another class at a facility in Magnuson Park which is not nearly as pleasant or convenient."

Michael says that "while the class is targeted to seniors, it is always challenging and interesting. Every once in a while I actually find I am able to achieve more alignment or hold a particular position longer or more easily. It is really satisfying when this happens. Finally, we like and value the class because our instructor is excellent. Judith Robin knows her stuff. Her warmth, openness and good humor make the class a comfortable place to explore the benefits of yoga. It makes a difference that she is also attuned to and respectful of each student."

And Michael's husband, Michel, says that Gentle Yoga keeps him limber, flexible and has "helped him push the limits of what he is able to do physically and mentally. From what I have observed of our fellow students, this is true for many, regardless of whether they are 50 or 80."

Michael says ''Every Tuesday I set the alarm and get myself there at 8am because I know by 9am I will feel grounded, pleased with my efforts, and full of positive energy. It's a great feeling."

Gentle Yoga meets Tuesdays at 8am at the Community Center, and all levels of experience are invited.

Classes for the new session start August 3 to September 14th and the great price of $25.45 for the entire series of classes.

To register you can call Cheryl at 206-386-9106 at the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department.

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