Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Popular Art Wizards Children's Camp Moves to Viewridge This Summer

Art Wizards, a summer art mini-camp for grades 1-6, has been held  at Laurelhurst Elementary School for about five summers. This summer the school will be undergoing some construction and Art Wizards will move to Bryant Elementary from July 12-15, Jim Adler  from the camp has told us. He said has had several calls from parents asking about the switch and wanted the community as well to know.

Art Wizards curriculum was developed by Dr. Ilene Adler, Ph.D., who is a professional artist and sculptor. The camp is "a chance for every child to develop their drawing skills, and fill summer hours with beautiful artwork. Whether it’s Pikachu and Wall-E or still life and landscape, we teach our students how to see as artists do, and we show them exactly what and how to practice so their progress continues. We’ll show young artists the best ways to use pens, pencils, chalk and oil pastels and watercolor. You can see some of our students’ work in the galleries at artwizards.org," Jim tells us.

Art Wizards will also be at Whittier Elementary June 28 to July 1 as well as August 16 to 19. 10-12.  Tuition is $98, and includes snack and all materials. You can register by email at register@artwizards.org or call 525 6075.

Art Wizards will be back at Laurelhurst in the Fall for the afternoon art classes.

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