Friday, March 19, 2010

Two Incidents in the Neighborhood Today

This morning around 8:30am, a woman was struck by a car as she was stepped into the marked crosswalk of the intersection of NE 45th and 36th Avenue NE. This is the crosswalk just to the south of Bob's Bike and Board one reader has told us.

KIRO and Seattle Times reported shortly after the accident, that the woman was around 45 years old and was"critically hurt." She was taken to Harborview and there has been no update on her condition.

This crosswalk crosses the very busy NE 45th Street and from readers writing in to us, it seems that drivers are not always aware that the light signaling a pedestrian is going to cross has turned red as it is not an intersection set on regular timers. The timer is activated only when a pedestrian pushes the button on the pole to cross. One reader wrote in he has seen many near accidents at that crossing.

Also around 11am neighbors reported to Laurelhurst Community Club Crime Prevention that shots were heard coming from the Center for Urban Horticulture and that it was in lock-down.

Brian Mc Mullen, LCC Crime Prevention Officer, informed LCC that the very loud sounds were part of a pyrotechnics test to deter geese and that no shots had been fired.

Mc Mullen reported that "everything is ok."

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