Friday, March 19, 2010

Yesler Swamp Blackberry Wrangle Tomorrow Morning and LCC Support of Swamp Trail

Wendy, a Laurelhurst resident and also involed with the Center for Urban Horticulture located in the neighborhood, wants  the community to know that tomorrow, Saturday, March 20th, from 10 a.m. to noon, Friends of Yesler Swamp is having another Blackberry Wrangle at Yesler Swamp, located at NE 41st and Surber Drive.

Yesler Swamp is a 6 acre swamp area that is part of UW Botanic Garden’s Center for Urban Horticulture.

"In our last work party, we made quite a bit of progress on those pesky blackberry canes, but a ton more needs to be done by human hands to liberate the swamp from these invasive plants. Please come out and help us. You’ll get acquainted with some of your neighbors and help with the habitat restoration of one of Seattle’s unique areas," Wendy writes to us.

If you have questions or comments or would like to get involved with the project, please email Laurelhurt resident Jean Colley at  .

Also as mentioned in the latest issue of the Laurelhurst Newsletter, the Laurelhurst Community Club endorsed at its December meeting, the Small and Simple Neighborhood Matching Fund grant proposal for design of the Yesler Swamp Trail. LCC sent a letter to the Department of Neighborhoods urging approval of the grant.

There will be at least three public meetings for community input, ideas, and concerns. We will send out dates as soon as they are published.

Laurelhurst neighbors Fred Hoffer, Art Feinglass, Jean Colley, and Carol Arnold are talking with the City of Seattle, LCC, the Audubon Society and the immediate bordering neighbors for advice and support for im­proving a trail through nearby wetlands.

Also below is a photo Wendy sent us taken on Sunday, March 14, as the eagle launches from one of the poplar trees in Yesler Swamp. She said the eagles are very active right now.

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