Monday, March 22, 2010

Any Bulb Enthusiasts? Special Lecture Tomorrow at UW Botanical Gardens

Jennifer, from the UW Botanic Gardens, wrote to us about a lecture tomorrow that she thought would be of special interest to our community.

Best-selling author and horticulturist Anna Pavord will present “A Luxuriance of Bulbs” at NHS Hall (Northwest Horticultural Soceity) at UW Botanic Gardens on NE 41st, at 7:00 PM.

Admission is $15. Preregister to guarantee your seat: 206-685-8033 or

"Pavord will show how to incorporate some dazzling bulb plants in your garden," Jennifer said.

"WARNING: This could be a very dangerous talk! As one audience member writes in her blog after attending one of Pavord's events, "I was so inspired I went straight home and planted loads of bulbs the following weekend, and ordered many more."

Pavord, the Independent’s (UK) gardening correspondent since 1986, lives and gardens in Dorset, England.

She has written eight books, including The Tulip, an international bestseller.

Her newest is Bulb, the A-Z of bulbs (Acis to Zigadenus), covering more bulbs than most gardeners can grow in a lifetime. Bulb combines concise, specific information with personal observation and gorgeous photography.

“Of all the different plants in the world,” says Pavord in another gardening blog, “bulbs intrigue me the most. As a gardener, I appreciate the way they mark the seasons: aconites giving way to crocus, crocus to daffodils, daffodils to alliums, then lilies, stately galtonias and a final fantastic flourish of eucomis and nerines. Bulbs are not just a spring thing. In this talk I introduce some of my favourites and suggest how they might be used in a garden.

"[A bulb is] like the best sort of dinner guest: it arrives on time, it does its fabulous thing, it sparkles, and then it goes before you get tired of it."

Here's a fun book review of Bulb by Mr Brown Thumb:

Books will be available for purchase and signing at the event.

More info on the UW Botanic Gardens here.

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