Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Status of Pedestrian and Upcoming Laurelhurst Community Club Meeting on Pedestrian Safety

Many readers have been asking about the status of the pedestrian that was hit last Friday morning while trying to cross a very busy intersection in Laurelhurst.

We have refrained from posting an  update to respect the wishes of the family of maintaning their privacy during this very difficult time.

Laurelhurst Community Club has told us only that the woman, who lives in Laurelhurst, is in serious condition at Harborview.

Jeannie Hale, LCC President, wrote us that "In the meantime, we’re reviewing the Sand Point Pedestrian Study and will know more(today) whether the SDOT person can come to LCC’s next meeting."

Cary Lassen, LCC Crime Prevention Officer, added that everyone is encouraged to attend the LCC meeting on Monday, April 12th at 7pm at St. Stephens Church where a discussion of pedestrian safety will be on the agenda.

"The Board will be reviewing the Sand Point Way Pedestrian Study which was prepared in December 2007 and the City's Pedestrian Master Plan. Some parts of the Pedestrian Study have been implemented. However, some recommendations like reducing the speed on Sand Point Way, are still in the works," Cary told us.

LCC has invited a representative from Neighborhood Traffic Operations with the City of Seattle, confirmation at this time is pending.

Cary said, "We will work with our neighbors, the city and Children's to help plan how we can reduce the danger for pedestrians and cyclists. We need immediate solutions to some crossings - possibly flashing lights.

In the long term, we should consider overpasses and possibly a cut-and-cover tunnel from Children's Hospital, (similar to UW hospital's garage tunnel) under Sand Point Way with a pedestrian path connecting to the trail," Cary told us.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to our fellow Laurelhurst resident and her family.

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