Friday, October 15, 2021

Video Of Eagles Near Villa Academy

A neighbor would like to share this information:

A couple of week ago I was out on a perfect day for my bi-weekly row from the Laurelhurst Beach Club to the Villa. The Villa is always my preferred destination and today’s North wind meant a vigorous row up and gentler return, a pretty good workout for pushing 80.

It is always worth the work to see the eagles at the Villa perched on the only bare branched snag from which they can watch their nest and watch for the very few fish left in Lake Washington. But today was different. There were no eagles; there was no snag. Gone.

There were trucks taking down an older tree, granted not very healthy, on the Villa’s valuable waterfront property. What is coming? As with Batelle (whoops, Talaris), the only institutions that will ever conceivably protect the trees or prevent the needless destruction of existing buildings are Children’s or UW.

I sure will miss those eagles.

Here is a video I took.

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