WSDOT published this information:
With warmer weather upon us, we want to remind you to stay safe by staying out of our construction zones on Union Bay and Lake Washington. The map below shows the construction zone for work that will continue through 2023. Boaters and paddlers, please stay at least 100 feet from construction.  Remember: - The boating restrictions are active along the entire length of the construction zone and both sides of the bridge.
- Pay attention to signs posted at launch areas and within construction zones.
- Watch for changing conditions on the water.
- Always stay at least 100 feet away from construction activities.
- Safety is always our top priority.
How to reach us and stay informed about SR 520 construction:- Call the 24-hour construction hotline (206-775-8885) with pressing Montlake Project questions or concerns.
- Call the SR 520 Program information line (206-770-3554, M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.) with general SR 520 inquiries.
- Email SR 520 staff with your questions about the project or construction activities.
- Visit the SR 520 Construction Corner for the most up-to-date information on closures and construction impacts.
- Visit the SR 520 Program website to find general information about the project.
- Follow us on Twitter @wsdot_520 to get key news and updates about the SR 520 program.
- View current Montlake Project construction photos, taken continuously day and night, by mounted construction cameras
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