Monday, January 28, 2019

Wednesdays Natural History Illustration Class At Center For Urban Horticulture

A person using colored pencils to draw a pinned moth specimen

Nearby UW Botanic Gardens’ Center for Urban Horticulture (3501 NE 41st Street) is starting a series of Wednesday evening classes called "Natural History Illustration: A Foray into Observational Drawing" on natural history illustration taught by Sharon Birzer.

The class information says:
Gain confidence in observing form while working with biological subjects to document and interpret what you see. An introduction to the practice of natural science illustration is complemented by critique sessions allowing students to discuss and respond to each other’s work.  
Build observational and visual interpretation skills while exploring illustration using a variety of techniques, including graphite, pen and ink, colored pencil, and watercolor. This is an introduction to how these essential media are applied to make drawings into more refined illustrations.  
Instructor Sharon Birzer is an artist and Natural History Illustrator. In her work, Sharon employs close observation and utilizes traditional media as well as digital tools. She teaches college art classes, school residences, as well as as illustration workshops. She shows her artwork nationally and internationally. Sharon holds a BFA from Cornish College, and MFA from the University of Washington and has studied Natural Science Illustration at UW. She has created illustration work for exhibits and publications for places such as the Seattle Art Museum and The Burke Museum of Natural History and Culture. 
The focus of this fundamental course is drawing, from gestural sketching to more precise rendering of illustrations. All levels welcome.
7 Wednesdays, January 30-March 13, 2019, 6:30-9pm
Register online or call 206-685-8033.

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