Monday, January 28, 2019

Earthquake Preparedness Class Wednesday At Community Center

Wednesday at 7pm, Laurelhurst Community Club's Laurelhurst Earthquake Action Preparedness (LEAP), a grassroots organization started by Laurelhurst residents, is holding a special event "Disaster Preparedness and Community Resilience Workshop" at the Laurelhurst Community Center.

Information sent out by LCC said:
In the event of a disaster, how would Laurelhurst respond? 
At this class you will be informed of the hazards that can impact Seattle and how best to be prepared to deal with them. Learn how to develop a disaster plan, build a disaster supply kit, and organize with your neighbors. Find out more about ALERT Seattle and how to sign up for this free service as well.  
Carl Leon from the City's Office of Emergency Management, will provide an overview of the hazards that can impact Seattle, and steps that individuals and families can take to become more prepared to deal with them. This includes guidance on how to develop a disaster plan, build a disaster supply kit, and organize with your neighbors to become better prepared.  
The presentation also provides an overview of other OEM efforts including the SNAP program, Community Emergency Hubs, and the City's new alert and notification system, Alert Seattle.
John Temple, a Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC) member started (LEAP) to educate neighbors on learning how to prepare households in the case of a large earthquake, when it hits what to do, how to get help, how to help others and how to get the neighborhood ready.

LEAP, is also forming clusters and block captains to help in its mission to save lives, reduce injuries and strengthen the community’s resilience.

LEAP Cluster Captains duties include organizing clusters, help with building a family disaster supplies kit and establishing an emergency plan with neighbor, including a designated meeting and distributes LEAP communications to neighbors.

LEAP has divided the neighborhood into clusters which roughly align with blocks and consist of about 20 houses each.

John said:
Working together can be fun, getting to know your neighbors better and all. Where to evacuate to if necessary could be important, too. Neighbors help neighbors. The first days or weeks it will be up to all of us to be prepared. The day after a major earthquake is not the time to try to figure out how to survive in Laurelhurst. Once Laurelhurst is organized it will have less effort to maintain.  
LEAP is run by your neighborhood volunteers and we are working towards emergency communications, first responders, setting up triage areas, gathering places, community hubs and so much more. Everyone needs to understand how to organize their own household and where to help and get help when the big one hits.  
Support your neighborhood response team, LEAP. Sign up to be a block captain and/or provide vital information to allow LEAP to better support you and family and pets.  
Your Laurelhurst Community needs you to be prepared and understand how to get help. We want your families to be safe and ready to help others. Let's hope it never happens, but let's all be prepared if it does.

For more information, to find out about your block watch or RSVP for the event, email

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