Monday, June 13, 2022

Talaris Proposal Presentation Tonight At LCC Annual Meeting

Tonight at 6:30pm, the Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC) is holding its Annual meeting via Zoom (Meeting ID: 89158249695),

The agenda items include:
  • Administration
  • Summary of 2022 events
  • Treasurer's Report
  • Election of Trustees
  • Highlights from Councilmember Pedersen - presented by Malik Davis 
  • Talaris Redevelopment Project Team - presentation of proposal

LCC sent out this information:
The Talaris/Battelle site’s existing seven buildings and entire landscape have been a designated Seattle landmark since November 6, 2013. Over these past years, various development projects have been proposed for the campus. 
The most recent plans submitted to the City include: 48 homesites added to the landscape; the re-use of five of the seven existing buildings; demolition of two landmarked buildings; and doubling the size of the existing conference center building.  
LCC has been at the negotiating table with the owners, the owners' development representative, the architects (Bassetti), and the landscape architects (Site Workshop) to support the preservation of the site and existing tree canopy, while forming an appropriate development plan for the owner.

For more information about LCC go here.

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