Neighbors reported seeing a swarm of police cars and the area taped off at the corner of NE 43rd Street and 52nd Avenue NE.
Neighbors said that they believed the homeowners arrived home to find burglars in their home. The Police could be heard ordering a suspect to come out of the home on a bull horn loud speaker.
Another report that the SWAT Team was called in as the burglary may have involved weapons, possibly belonging to the homeowners.
Neighbors said that they believed the burglar escaped from the house and ran to another house to attempt breaking in.
Neighbors have commented that there have been several burglaries in that area of the neighborhood.
KOMO news published this information:
SWAT team surrounds Laurelhurst home on worries of armed prowler

Seattle Police respond to report of a
prowler in the Laurelhurst neighborhood
(KOMO Photo)
SWAT teams surrounded a Laurelhurst home Thursday evening for a few hours fearing a prowler might have stumbled upon guns and may be holed up inside.
Police were called to the area around the 5100 block of Northeast 42nd Street after getting reports of two burglaries about two blocks apart within about 10-15 minutes, officials said.
In the first burglary, the man broke into the home and ran into one of the residents, who screamed, scaring the burglar away.
Detectives believe that burglar ran off and broke into a second home. The homeowner heard someone inside their home, escaped out a window and called police.
That homeowner told officers he had guns and ammunition in the home, and police became concerned their suspect could have found the weapons and was still inside the home.
After three hours of attempting contact, officers on scene left and would only say the situation was "resolved." A KOMO News crew on scene said it appeared the house was empty.
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