Thursday, August 11, 2016

Laurelhurst Elementary School Renovations Underway

removal of trees, hedges, stairs and hedges in July

heavy equipment on south playground
for asbestos removal
in cafeteria

 new entryway with ramps currently
under construction

A major renovation of the Laurelhurst Elementary School main entrance and administration office has been underway since the day after school ended with a 45 day project timeline.

The two tall trees on either side of the front door were removed along with a portion of the hedges and other plantings.

The original glass on either side of the door was also removed, with the original glass above the door left still intact.

A contractor commented that they want to "honor the historical look of the school" by leaving the top glass but had to remove the other glass. The school was built in 1928.

Workers have removed all the walls of the original office, which will all be replaced, except for the wall separating the office from the main entrance and lobby area which will be replaced with partial glass, the Laurelhurst Blog was told.

The new entry aims to improve security to the school, giving visibility to every person that enters the building and who now, the Blog was told, will need to use a buzzer to gain access after being approved by a school administrator seated inside the office near the door.

The office will be reconfigured to continue to house the Principal, two administrative staff, Head teacher and nurse.

The other seven points of access to the school have been boarded up and are being reconfigured more securely so that there are not multiple ways to enter the school during school hours. The Laurelhurst Blog was told that this school year, all doors will be locked during school hours.

Other projects included asbestos removal and abatement from the cafeteria followed by the application of a clear cover applied to the floor surface.  This project entailed placing very heavy equipment on the south playground for the safe extraction and removal of the asbestos, which resulted in more cracking to the south playground, as well as several diesel spills.  And near the basketball courts are various areas of damage, which are scheduled to be repaired at the conclusion of the project.

Other projects involve improving the indoor air quality system by putting fans on the second floor and also changes to the lighting on both floors to improve the efficiency and provide better lighting, and mechanical and electrical systems work to support the improvements.

The various projects are funded from the Buildings, Technology and Academics III (BTA III) Capital Levy, approved by Seattle voters in 2010. The levy pays for small renovations and major maintenance projects in our school buildings.
Information about this summer’s BTA projects are posted here.

For an historical account of the school, starting with its first location in 1915 as the Laurelhurst Annex at 43rd Avenue NE and NE 34th Street, followed in 1919 with the annex moving to the current location and the school building completed in 1928, go here

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