Monday, July 28, 2014

Local Birder Describes "Eclipse" Going On Now With Puddle Duck Males


Connie Sidles, local birding expert who maintains a blog documenting the many types of birds, including beautiful pictures, at the nearby Union Bay Natural Area, also known as the Montlake Fill, recently wrote a post about the molting happening now amongst the puddle duck males: 

June 30th, 2014
Most of the puddle duck males have finished breeding by now and are busy working on another big task: getting rid of their conspicuously bright plumage. Earlier in the year, they needed their gaudiest getups in order to attract a female, but now that mating season is over, the males would like to blend into the background a lot more and lower their risk of being eaten by predators. So they are molting as fast as they can into a camouflage plumage called “eclipse.” Not everybody molts on the same schedule, though. You can still catch a few males looking spiffy. In particular, one quite lovely Cinnamon Teal male has been hanging out on Southwest Pond lately. He likes to nap on a tussock of grass and mud on the southwest edge of the pond.

Here is a poem for you today:
I dream.
I dream of harmony between me and mine.
The song sublime.
And all of humanity is mine.
And all of nature too.


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