Monday, June 9, 2014

Other Eyewitness Accounts Of Same SUV Driving Erratically At HIgh Rate Of Speed

Following our post last Wednesday including a resident's description of an SUV with a license plate starting with ACE and ending in 9, being driven erratically by a high school age mail, we received several other similar accounts:

I saw a young white male with short dark hair driving a large dark-colored SUV at a very high rate of speed on Tuesday morning at 7:30. He was north bound on 42nd Avenue NE. He stopped at the stop sign at NE 41st Street, then squealed his tires westbound on NE 41st where he accelerated at an alarming rate until he heavily braked into the curve of Mary Gates Way.
While walking my dog, I, too, saw the same car and young male driver, drop off 2 girls in my block of 46th AVE NE between NE 54th Street and NE 50th  Street. He then "gunned it' down 46th Ave toward Laurelhurst Park at a great rate of speed. It was a good thing no one was crossing the street at the time. 

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