Thursday, April 24, 2014

Neighborhood Spring Egg Hunt Draws Big Crowd

Last Sunday's Spring Egg Hunt was a big success with over 4000 eggs scattered through out the park along with loose candy and treats for kids up to age twelve and over 450 people that showed up.

Cara, Recreation Coordinator, told us that they were able to stuff 1,000 more eggs than last year due to the numerous volunteers and staff as well as the neighborhood residents who donated candy and eggs. 
Maxwell Meals donated all the baked goods which resulted in a successful bake sale fundraiser.  Cara told us that the funds will be used to help off-set the cost of the egg hunt and to support other community center programs.
Jennifer, with Food Driving Box, was also pleased with the hundreds of pounds of non-perishable food that was donated and later delivered to the University District Food bank to feed hungry neighbors in our community.

"Thank you to everyone and we look forward to next year's egg hunt!" Cara told us.


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