Friday, March 2, 2012

Dressy Clothing Donations Needed For Roosevelt High School Upcoming "Dress To Impress Sale," Special Drop-Off Tomorrow In Laurelhurst

Peggy, a Laurelhurst resident, and parent of a student in the class of 2012 at Roosevelt High School sent us email about clothing donations needed for an upcoming fundraiser, "Dress to Impress Sale," going on at Roosevelt High School next Saturday from 10-3pm.

The kids raise funds for graduation expenses over the course of the 4 years they are at RHS.  The funds from the sale offer assistance to students who can't afford the expenses of graduation as well as students who will receive financial aid with the funds raised over the next two years and have the opportunity to buy formal wear at low prices. 

The sale, Peggy told us is somewhat like Goodwill's "Glitter Sale" for teens. Clothing donations that would be appropriate for Tolot or Prom and the donations can be dropped at Peggy's house (3329 West Laurelhurst Drive NE) from today until next Friday or at Roosevelt )1410 NE 66th Street).

She writes, "Do you have any formal wear in the back of your closet which doesn’t fit or won't likely be worn again? Well, now's the time to donate it for a good cause! You can give those dressy clothes new life, and help make dances, prom and other special occasions more affordable for teens!"

The actual sale will be next Saturday from 10-3pm at Roosevelt High School in the Little Gym and is open to the public.  Donated dressy and formal wear items will be for sale at bargain prices to help fund graduation activities and scholarships for the Roosevelt High School Class of 2014, and to allow teens to purchase a great low cost outfit.

Women's donations needed include short or long party dresses, dress shoes, purses, jackets, bracelets and necklaces.  Men's donations needed are sports jackets, dress shirts, shoes and ties.

Any unsold items will be donated to the non-profit organization, Ruby Room, to help more kids

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