Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fifth Graders Holding Food Drive At Laurelhurst Elementary School

The Fifth Graders at Laurelhurst Elementary School are currently having a food drive as a service project this month.
The three fifth grade classrooms with teachers Mr. Howard, Ms. Dublin and Ms. Jambor’s have also each been making class visits to the University District Food Bank. 
Thanks to three of Mr. Howard's students who wrote this interesting information specifically for the Laurelhurst Blog:

The Laurelhurst Food Drive

By Julia Swanson, Adriana Brooke-Pike and Maddie Burbage

Starting today and ending on the 18th, Laurelhurst Elementary School is collecting food for the University Food Bank. If you choose to participate, please bring non-perishable food to the front hall in the school. The Fifth Grade will also be going on a field trip to the food bank and will learn about what food banks do, why they do it, and how we can help the people in need. The fifth graders will also get experience helping the food bank, by bagging food and donating the food our school collected.

(pictured above are a couple of Mr. Howard's fifth grade students bringing donations to the School's central collection point from their classroom)

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