Friday, August 6, 2010

Great Spot to Watch The Blue Angels This Week-End And Pet Tips For During The Shows

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels will be practicing again today at 1:40pm.

And several readers wrote in that a great place to see them is the Beach Club. No traffic, no crowds and you can stay cool in the lake at the same time!

Saturday and Sunday the shows will be at 1:30pm.

The Seattle Humane Society sent out a press release with some pet safety tips for during the show.

It says "The loud noise can be hard on our companion animals. With a little planning, you can keep your pets calm and safe at home.

"The biggest risk is that pets will get loose and become lost. Even if a pet is secured inside, the sound of the Blue Angels flying overheard can cause them to panic."

Here are a few tips:
  • Keep your pets inside, preferably a room without windows
  • To create calming environment, surround your pet with favorite toys and other familiar objects
  • Play soothing music
  • Keep the room as quiet as possible by closing doors, shades and windows
(photo courtesy of Seafair website)

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