Thursday, June 24, 2010

Program to Help Seniors in Laurelhurst Formally Launching Sometime Next Year

"Are you passionate abou staying in your own home as you age?"

This was the topic of a recent Seattle Times article about NEST (North East Seattle Together), a new non-profit grassroots operation serving NE Seattle, to assist seniors in being able to stay in their own homes by creating a virtual village.

Check out a post we did about NEST in Jaunary ago as they began their project.

As NEST gets closer to is formal launch in the Fall, it is making a special effort to reach out NE Seattle neighborhoods, including Laurelhurst, as well as community members to get people involved in suppporting this project by providing services and/or donations as well as seek input in shaping the program.

NEST's mission statment is to ensure the elderly can continue to live "safely and confidently" in their own homes in "the neighborhoods we love," their website says.

"We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization creating a virtual “village,” an innovative, new approach to “aging in community” that is inspiring neighbors to organize, incorporate, and take charge. There are four dozen other villages across the country. We hope to be the first in Seattle!" their website says.

The virtual village ensure members can stay in their homes, by having easy access services, all vetted by NEST.

Included in the benefits to members of NEST are community volunteers who help in providing a wide range of services to seniors (yard work, gardening, computer assistance, etc) and ongoing classes (fitness, etc) and events,  transportation services, and various service providers (such as estate planners) will provide their services as a discount to members.

Membership fees will range monthly from $50-$70 for a single person and $90-$100 for a couple.

NEST, open to all ages, hopes to start their program in the Fall. Currently they are accepting donations as well as "founding members" who  are encourage to "join now as a show of their support."

NEST will rely greatly on community members and Volunteers. If you are interested you can fill out a form here.

You can also "help spread the word about NEST by hosting a neighborhood gathering, providing an opportunity for NEST to speak at your local church or service group, posting flyers announcing the community meetings in your local favorite store or place of work in the Northeast Seattle area. Talk with friends and spread the word that NEST is growing," the website says.

You can fill out a survery here about what benefits NEST should provide.

For more information, visit the NEST website or call 206-525-NEST (6378).

UPDATE June 27:
Mike Ullmann, a board member of NEST sent us this email:. "Thanks so much for your continuing coverage and support. It means a great deal to us. We are still in full fundraising mode this summer, so we don’t envision being able to launch until next year. We would have liked to get going this fall, as your most recent post says, but don’t envision having the financial ability to do so. We are continuing to gain support, and donors, and have Nancy Pearl doing a fundraiser for us in November."

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