Here is the this weeks update sent to us by the The Students of Room 12.
"The eggs have hatched! The eggs have become alevin, the next stage in the salmon life cycle. Alevin are tiny fish that are about an inch long. The alevin can’t swim yet because they are bottom heavy because of their yoke sacks. The alevin feed off their yoke sack until it is all gone. They wriggle around on the bottom of the tank because the yolk sac makes them heavy on the bottom.
All of the alevin are clumped together because it is a natural instinct in the wild to stay safe.There are about ten different clumps of fish in the tank.
Everyone loves to go and see the little fish in the tank.
Next the alevin will become fry, but we will let you know when that is about to happen.
Make sure you come into Laurelhurst and check out the tank, there are big changes this week."
Teacher Grace Dublin said pictures would not be good this week. "The salmon are all bunched together in clumps and hard to distinguish. Bad camera, bad lighting, and plexiglass tank make it difficult to get a good picture this week."
Mrs. Dublin did send us the attached stock photo. Very interesting!
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