Often one can see unicyclists gliding around the playground with ease after school. What does it take to be a unicyclist? How much do they practice? One of our staffers contacted Mr. Roberts, Laurelhurst’s new PE teacher, to ask about the well-know Unicycle Team. Read on, and learn all about this fascinating team and also check out one of their upcoming performances listed below.
One of which is tonight during the UW men’s basketball halftime which is a a sold out game against Seattle U.
"The kids are jazzed to perform for this huge local crowd! If you are going to the game, don’t leave at halftime or you’ll miss our local performers. And of course, cheer like crazy for us," Mr. Roberts said."
Mr. Roberts told us that this year’s unicycle and juggle performance team is made up of 19 fourth and fifth grade students.
"We have about 5 returning fourth grade students from last year’s team. The rest are new to the Performance Team. These hard working students have been practicing three days a week during their lunchtime, which is only about a 20-minute practice period. We have worked to put together a solid routine that is less then 6 minutes.
Students are also seen daily, in the play court, building their unicycle and juggling skills, and trying new tricks. You may have also seen some of these students riding up the steep hills of Laurelhurst “commuting” to and from school. It really is quite impressive.
Currently, we have done two strong performances: one at Laurelhurst Elementary during an assembly for the upper grades; and a second last Friday night at Garfield High School where we performed during a girl’s varsity basketball game. The crowd was amazed at the students’ skills. The team looked professional in their newly designed red t-shirts (which were designed by members of the team).
We have another performance, February 6th during a PE conference for educators. Our team will be the lunchtime entertainment (one of three acts) showcasing what Seattle School kids are doing. Another performance will be at a UW women’s basketball game on March 7th. Again, we hope to see you during this daytime performance!"
Mr. Roberts tells us that the unicycle and juggling program has had tremendous success this year helping to secure over $3000 during the unicycle-a-thon this fall and a Seattle Education Foundation Grant for $1000 (coming this February). This money has been going towards replacing a large fleet of unicycles that were in poor condition.
"The students have been thrilled with the new unicycle additions, with many students purchasing their own over the holidays. In addition, many young riders are practicing every day during recess to improve their skills. The excitement has been fantastic and contagious!" Mr. Roberts says.
Among the other players in the programs success that Mr. Roberts told us about are David Glazer who "continues to help with this transition year. His dedication to the program’s success has been amazing. He volunteers during his lunchtime up three days a week to help these kids develop skills and make progress with this year’s performance routine. I could not have done it without him.
We also have Lara Kutz helping with our jugglers. She has been key in blending the jugglers with the unicycles during practices and performances. If you see one of them, give them thanks. Volunteers are vital to extra school activities like these."
Mr. Roberts has been teaching for more then ten years and tells us he has worked hard to build an "exciting program that the students deserve with safe, quality equipment."
Mr. Roberts is looking forward to many more upgrades, including a climbing wall in the gym. This would be a terrific addition to our large gym. If you are interested in helping fund this project let him know at blroberts@seattleschool.org.
Upcoming Unicycle Performances for the A Team:
Jan. 26th UW Men’s Basketball game during halftime.
Feb. 6th State w ide PE conference, lunchtime performance between 12:30-1:30
March 7th UW Women’s basketball game during halftime

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