We've received a few emails asking about the 520 expansion and what is going on.
A reader forwarded us the below email.
Also looks like tomorrow, January 7th, is the last day to submit comments. See below for more information.
Some helpful links:
Email from blog reader:
In this issue:
*SR 520 Legislative Workgroup: Final report now online
*Comment on the Eastside Transit and HOV Project through Jan. 7
*Work continues on pontoon project contract, environmental review
*Analysis of west side designs to be released this month for public review
*Question of the Month: How will the future SR 520 merge with I-5?
SR 520 Legislative Workgroup: Final report now online
*Comment on the Eastside Transit and HOV Project through Jan. 7
*Work continues on pontoon project contract, environmental review
*Analysis of west side designs to be released this month for public review
*Question of the Month: How will the future SR 520 merge with I-5?
SR 520 Legislative Workgroup: Final report now online
We’ve posted the final report of the SR 520 Legislative Workgroup, which outlines the panel’s west side design and financing recommendations for the corridor from Seattle to SR 202 in Redmond.
The workgroup met from July to December 2009. Members weighed input from neighborhoods, environmental regulators, transit agencies, cities, advocates and independent cost experts before making their recommendations.
In December, workgroup members voted to recommend Option A+ for the interchange design of the Montlake and University District area. This option is most similar to today’s interchange, but with the addition of a second parallel drawbridge over the Montlake cut. More details are in the report.
Financing options also were recommended for the SR 520 program, which has a $4.65 billion cap set by the Legislature. Strategies include tolling on SR 520, operating high-occupancy toll lanes on Interstate 90 as soon as practicable, pursuing federal and state funding, and, if necessary, collecting general tolls on I-90 no sooner than 2014.
Comment on the Eastside Transit and HOV Project through Jan. 7
There are just a few days left for you to comment on our environmental review of improvements to the SR 520 corridor between Medina and Redmond. The proposed project is expected to improve travel times for buses and carpools, improve water quality and fish habitat, reconnect communities, and provide new commuting options for bicyclists and pedestrians.
The project, formally called “SR 520, Medina to SR 202: Eastside Transit and HOV Project,” is estimated to cost $776 million.
The details are included in an environmental assessment we released Dec. 3. The document outlines project benefits and effects to traffic, the environment and communities.
How can I review the environmental assessment?
· View the document online.
· Visit local public libraries (See the list of locations on our Web page.)
· Call us at 206-770-3500 or e-mail us at mailto:SR520Eastside_EA@wsdot.wa.gov?subject=Comments to request a free CD and executive summary or to purchase a printed copy of the document.
· View the document online.
· Visit local public libraries (See the list of locations on our Web page.)
· Call us at 206-770-3500 or e-mail us at mailto:SR520Eastside_EA@wsdot.wa.gov?subject=Comments to request a free CD and executive summary or to purchase a printed copy of the document.
How can I comment on the environmental assessment?
· Complete an online comment form.
· E-mail mailto:SR520Eastside_EA@wsdot.wa.gov?subject=Environmental.
· Mail Bill Blaylock, EA Environmental Manager, 600 Stewart St., Suite 520, Seattle, WA 98101.
In order to be addressed in the environmental decision document, comments must be received or postmarked by Jan. 7. Your comments will become part of the official public record and will be published in the environmental decision document.
Work continues on pontoon project contract, environmental review
Just before the holidays, we announced Kiewit-General Joint Venture has the apparent best value for the Pontoon Construction Project in Grays Harbor County. During the coming weeks, we will finalize the $367 million contract so construction can get under way at the end of this year.
Before construction starts, we must carefully analyze the two proposed locations for a pontoon construction facility in Grays Harbor. Our environmental review is scheduled to be completed in coming months, and we’ll share the results of that analysis for public review and comments.
Analysis of west side designs to be released this month for public review
In just a few weeks, we expect to reach another major milestone in our effort to replace the vulnerable SR 520 floating bridge and roadway between I-5 and Medina.
We’re scheduled to release our supplemental environmental review of the project, formally called the "I-5 to Medina SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Project." This important environmental report includes an evaluation of the effects of three west side design options for the Montlake interchange and includes additional information on construction effects, mitigation measures and transit operations.
When the supplemental draft environmental impact statement is released, we’ll launch a 45-day period for public review and comments. Stay tuned and we’ll let you know all the ways to review and comment on the document later this month, including more details about a public hearing in February.
Question: How will the future SR 520 merge with I-5?
Answer: The SR 520 program will improve the transit and HOV connections at the I-5 interchange by adding a reversible HOV lane between SR 520 and the I-5 express lanes. This direct connection to the express lanes would operate in the same direction as the express lanes.
Answer: The SR 520 program will improve the transit and HOV connections at the I-5 interchange by adding a reversible HOV lane between SR 520 and the I-5 express lanes. This direct connection to the express lanes would operate in the same direction as the express lanes.
This means that the SR 520 HOV lane would connect from westbound to southbound I-5 in the morning and from northbound I-5 to eastbound SR 520 in the evening. This connection would reduce the amount of traffic entering the I-5 corridor by the number of buses and carpools that would use the express lane connection.
SR 520 project links SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program I-5 to Medina: Bridge Replacement and HOV Project Medina to SR 202: Eastside Transit and HOV Project Pontoon Construction Project Lake Washington Congestion Management Project
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1 comment:
It was very interesting for me to read that post. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I definitely want to read more soon.
Truly yours
Timm Clade
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