If you have not registered to vote or know someone who hasn't yet, the King County deadline for registration is on Monday by 4:30pm.
So hurry over to the on-line site so that you can vote in the November 3 statewide election. Go to "Elections & Voting" in the left column.
This deadline also applies to people who moved or changed their name and want to update their voter registration information.
Monday, October 26 is the last day for in-person registration for citizens not currently registered to vote in Washington. You'll need to go to the county elections office to register in person.
Go here then click on the state map and then click on the county you're looking for.
If you are registered in King County and haven't received your ballot in the mail by October 23, 2009, or have any other questions related to registration and voting, call 206.296.8683
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