He showed up at the all School Assembly to present the very popular 5th grade teacher Pat Howard with the “Symetra Heroes in the Classroom” award.

The visit was a complete surprise to Mr. Howard and to all of his students and fellow teachers. None of them knew that a NFL player was going to visit their school during the assembly.
The award was presented in conjunction with Symetra Financial of Bellevue who through their Symetra Heroes in the Classroom program recognizes 24 (out of 3,100) Seattle Public Schools teachers for their outstanding leadership and instructional skills during the Seahawks season.
The criteria for winning an award are: 1) Exemplary instructional skills 2) Outstanding teacher-leadership skills 3) Innovative instruction that encourages all students to succeed and 4)
Proactive parent/guardian outreach.
Proactive parent/guardian outreach.
The "heroes" receive two tickets to a Seahawks regular season game, in-game HawkVision (JumboTron) “spotlight,” VIP sideline experience, “Heroes” award certificate and classroom supplies and the school visit and program sponsor recognition. The awarded teachers are honored both in their classroom and on Qwest Field during Seahawks home games.
Here is a little about Mr. Howard as sent to us from Symetra:
"A True Environmental Steward Pat Howard is a 5th grade teacher at Laurelhurst. He has led the school in developing a sense of environmental stewardship. As a result all students are involved in the lunchroom food composting program he designed. He has also helped kick-start an all-school garden this year.
His principal, Kathy Jolly, says, 'Pat Howard’s quiet leadership in environmental stewardship and community service have changed the direction of our school vision and mission statements and is providing us with a new and exciting focus this year.' "
Symetra Financial also raises funds to benefit the Seattle Public School district.
Congratulations Mr. Howard!
And thanks to Symetra for including the Laurelhurst Blog on this important neighborhood event.

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