The Friends of the Seattle Library Fall Book Sale starts today through Sunday at Magnuson Park.
"This popular book sale features over 200,000 books and other items. It’s a perfect time for holiday shopping! Proceeds go to benefit the Seattle Public Library," the information says.
The sale is in the Hangar in Building #30 at 7400 Sand Point Way NE. The 70th Street entrance is the closest to the Hangar which will be on your right after you enter.
Hours are today 6:30- 9:30 p.m for the member preview sale. Members can purchase up to 25 items. Memberships are $10 in advance; $30 at the door.
Members may bid in the silent auction during the preview sale. You can become a member for just $15.00 for a full year or $10.00 for the partial year from July through December. New members may join in advance by filling out a membership form and mailing it in or filling in the form at the door. Friends recommends you purchase your membership in advance due to the popularity of the Preview Sale.
Saturday the sale is open 9 a.m.- 5 p.m and Sunday 11 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Items for sale include:
*Art prints and posters
*Nonfiction books organized by category
*Huge selection of hardcover and paperback fiction
*Audio books, music CDs, and movies on VHS and DVD
*Large "Better Books" section
*Rare, collectible, and sets room
All items in the regular section are $1.00 each, except art prints, which are priced as marked. Books in the "Better Books" section are priced as marked.
Call Quick Information at 206-386-4636 for further information or the Friends’ voice mail at 206-386-4098 or email book.sale@spl.org. Information can also be accessed through the Friends of the Library website.
Volunteers are always needed if you have time to donate.
And if you have books to donate, call 206-523-4053 or drop them off at your local branch library.
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