Another independent video store going out of business. What a shame.
We and many of our staffers have gone there for years.
In speaking with Paul, one of the employees who has been there 6 of the 7 years, the video store has been there he said "We just can't make the rent. 50% of video stores over the last 2 years have gone out of business."
The video store was originally owned by Sandpoint Video (remember that?) and then bought by Island Video along with 2 others in Seattle.
Here is a comment from a Yelper (a great site for finding reviews on everything in Seattle and nationwide)
"I visited last night for the first time in years - and am ready to give up Netflix for Island Video. Truly an amazing selection of DVDs and even lots of VHS still. Think mini-Scarecrow. The selection is outstanding, the staff still very knowledgeable and friendly, the sell treats and give away the movie posters.
They have specials during the week and you can prepay and get a few extra rentals for the price. Avoid Blockbuster and patronize Island - you won't be disappointed!"
Sign at the store says "Last day for rentals Sunday."
Everything in the store is on sale at a "current replacement price" aka reduced price. Paul said they also have brought DVDs from their other stores and put them on sale at this tore.
What a shame. Tell us what you think about this.

This is one of the best video stores in Seattle (next to Scarecrow but Island Video has better, more informed people). I am very sad to see them close.
We are sad to seem them close as well. Really great selection and the kids always loved the free popcorn.
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