Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tonight Save Union Bay Associaton Meeting


Tonight at 7:30pm, SUBA (Save Union Bay Association) is holding its annual public meeting via Zoom. 

Susan, SUBA President, told the Laurelhurst Blog: 

The public is invited to attend to learn about what SUBA accomplished this year. 
We are a small non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and enhancing the environment of Union Bay.  
Our primary project is management of invasive aquatic weeds in Union Bay.  We are also following issues of passenger only ferries on Union Bay and an increase in nutria. 

In 2011, we received a grant from state DOE to undertake aquatic weed management in Union Bay. One of the grant requirements was that we provide an annual public meeting about what we’re doing. 
In the first 5 years, many people attended our annual meetings. But, since then, most people who are interested in this issue, have become comfortable with what we do. And our program hasn’t changed much so there isn’t new news for people who follow our work. 
Although we are still managing aquatic weeds, we are not using government funds so there is no longer a requirement to host a public annual meeting. We continue to do it and to advertise it because we want to continue to alert the public to what we do. We don’t do it as aggressively as we did when we were required to do so. I used to send notices to groups all over the county that might be interested in our lake management. But now just provide notices to neighborhood residents and other stakeholders.

Go here for more information.

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