Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Tomorrow Seattle Audubon Talk On Shorebirds

The Seattle Audubon Society is having a special talk tomorrow from 7-8:30pm at nearby Mountaineers (7700 Sand Point Way.)

The information says:

Understanding Shorebirds, the Miracle of Migration 

Black-bellied Plover

Red Knot

Photos: © Tim Boyer
Seattle Audubon is thrilled to welcome Tim Boyer as the guest speaker for our October program meeting. Tim's talk, Understanding Shorebirds, the Miracle of Migration, is about the epic migrations of shorebirds. Six of the forty-two common shorebirds found in Washington will be discussed, as we explore the trans-ocean migration of Bar-tailed Godwits, Pacific Golden-Plovers, Sanderlings and other birds that cross the majority of the Pacific Ocean. We’ll look at where they migrate, why they migrate, and how they are able to travel so far. In an effort to understand their remarkable journeys we need to look beyond the North American borders and see where shorebirds spend most of their lives.

Tim Boyer is a professional nature photographer with a primary focus on the birds of North America. Shorebirds are his favorite group of birds, and he spends a lot of weekends on the Washington Coast. Tim leads photography workshops throughout the year, and is a graduate of Seattle Audubon’s Master Birder Program.

Seattle Audubon's program meetings are free and open to the public.


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