Another triplex on the north end of Laurelhurst in "Windermere Circle" at 4402 NE 50th Street, may be demolished for another 6 unit rowhouse, each with its own parking space.
On Monday at 1pm, the architect, Ryan Rhodes Designs and developer, Metrostructure Corporation invite the public to a site walk to provide input on the proposed development. The architect has already sent a mailer out to residents within a 1000 foot radius
of the site.
The site walk is part of the requirement of the City's Early Community Outreach for Design Review program , which came into effect on July 1st, requiring developers to notify residents and businesses of new multi-family, mixed-use or commercial projects in their neighborhoods and solicit community input early in the design and permitting process.
Developers are required to reach out to nearby neighbors, community
organizations, and small businesses of new projects by at least one printed, one digital and one in-person outreach method. This gives the public an opportunity to learn about new developments and give input early on in the process.
Monday's site walk will fulfill one of the requirements, by gathering "early feedback from community members about ways we can better our site whether it be landscaping, massing, amenities, parking,
or the architecture itself," Christine with Rhodes Design told the Laurelhurst Blog Staff.
Ryan Rhodes added:
We are hoping to use the community feedback from our walk-thru to allow the community to better receive our project. This is an opportunity for neighbors to have a (civil/reasonable) discussion with the design team and developer prior to design, face to face.
There are not designs to show or discuss – there is nothing really to look at except the site as it stands – it’s simply on of the many opportunities to give and receive feedback from the community.
Our intent as architects is to create meaningful projects that knit well into the fabric of the neighborhood we are working in. We also understand that Laurelhurst is special, and not the standard “multi-family” neighborhood and have every intention to construct a project that is well designed and well built – suitable to the surroundings.
Nobody likes development in their back yards, we understand that more than you might imagine. But it is an inevitable process when there is a demand for housing and our desire is to do our very best to create a quality addition to the neighborhood with the help of the community.
For people who can't attend the site-walk, comments can be sent to . Christine said that any information collected via email address may be subject to public disclosure. Comments can also be left on the Facebook page, where there is additional information.
Another 6 row town house is currently under construction across from the proposed development on the corner of 44th Avenue NE and NE 50th Street, replacing a one story 4 unit town home, built in 1959,
Ryan said that his firm was not the architect for the townhomes.
This development didn't have to go through the City's Outreach program, as it is only several months old.
Ryan added:
The townhomes under construction didn't have to go through this outreach program, because it didn’t exist at the time. Nor did they have to go through any type of design review with the City of Seattle being that they are row houses in a relatively low-density low-rise zoning LR-1, and design review thresholds have only very recently changed.
We on the other hand are required to go through both the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) outreach and Administrative Design Review, therefore, this is likely one of the first times the neighborhood has had an opportunity to really be heard through this new platform on a project of this scale.
The Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC) said about these before construction started:
The appearance of the land use sign has evoked many negative responses from neighbors in the community who have expressed their concern about several aspects of the proposed rowhouses.
The existing multi -family development has a long history as a very compatible transition to the single family zoning adjacent. It provides affordable housing for mid to lower income level families, seniors, grad students and some staff who work at Seattle Children's Hospital nearby.
LCC' concerns about the proposed development, based upon the Seattle Municipal codes, HALA, and the applicants responses in the SEPA process are as follows:
Displacement of diverse socio-income residents - In 2011, the Laurelhurst neighborhood lost 136 affordable housing units at Laurelon Terrace with had family sized units. Many of the existing families who were displaced from their community when the tear down occurred, and could not afford , nor find similar housing nearby. LCC supports more density as a goal of the City, but we are even more concerned about the displacement of a whole sector of economically diverse families, seniors and work force salaried folks who have lived within higher income leveled neighborhoods. Displacement can lead to homelessness, and these new "rowhouses" will be priced for ownership at around $1,000,000 each.
Out of Scale compatibility - the existing LR1 zoned Windermere Circle complex of multi-family housing envelopes this permit, and was built with the architectural style of its time, to blend seamlessly into the single family neighborhood with similar features and in similar bulk, scale and massing in heights and setbacks. The new SMC 23.34.014 , B, #5, states that the function of the LR1 zoning should be: The area would provide a gradual transition between single-family zoned areas and multi-family or neighborhood commercial zoned areas. The proposed Rowhouses are much taller in height, boxlike and are built in a 72 feet wide mass along the residential NE 50th street, and along 44th Avenue NE. The adjacent residences are not 32 feet in height, and the rowhouse plan without set backs will create a tunnel effect along both NE 50th Street and 44th Avenue NE, destroying the character and scale of the existing LR1 and adjacent SF5000. The location and orientation of the proposed 32 foot high row houses places a wall along these sidewalks instead of a set back and entry along NE 50th Street. This is not a gradual transition which is in the SMC. Cottage housing, or lower scale or homes that face both NE50th Street and 44th Ave NE would be more compatible with the SMC, and still provide denser housing options.
Building set backs and width of the new rowhouses - the set back on 44th Avenue NE is only to the property line which is completely opposed to a normal set back of a LR1 project. SDCI should oppose this and require a normal set back for pedestrian sidewalk safety and zoning adjacency compatibility and zoning. This is in violation of the at least 5 foot minimum set backs for side yards, and should NOT be permitted. Secondly, the overall building width of this rowhouse project appears to violate SMC 23.84.032 which caps the maximum width of rowhouses at 60 feet. (about 3-4 units) Project # 3025713 has 6 units at 12; each which equals 72.5 feet. SDCI should clarify the code, or reject the project.
The applicant's SEPA evaluation states that no view blockages will occur. However, the proposed 72.5 mass width and a 32 foot height (plus roof garden) WILL impact neighboring residents viewline to the west where the Olympic Mountains offer spectacular sunsets. This view of the mountains would be blocked from existing residents across the street on NE 50th Street and 44th Avenue NE.
Citizens commented to the City about the design and construction:
The new development is going to tower over all of the surrounding homes. The town homes will be very narrow, in order to fit six townhouses side-by-side on the lot with underground parking.
I am a resident within a couple miles of this proposed construction (permit # 3025713) and I formerly lived two blocks from the proposed site. I firmly disagree with the approval of this and similar developments that have a broad and deep negative impact on all involved other than the permit applicant.
16 town homes each with a 4th story rooftop deck are currently under construction in quaint little historic Windermere Circle, the charming loop of duplexes and triplexes near Children's Hospital where most buildings are two and three story. The transformation is going to be dramatic.
It makes for reduced home values. Towering 3-story homes (with 4th floor rooftop decks) reduce the value of the one- and two-story homes surrounding them. The smaller houses lose privacy, views and sunlight.
Parking and traffic problems always follow. Each of these projects has off-street parking. But the parking arrangements (for the first and third projects listed in the document) are ridiculous.
Like many row house projects, these garages will be very difficult to get a normal size car in and out. The owners will most likely use their garages for storage and park their cars on the street. The streets around Windermere Circle are already extremely cramped and crowded.
There are construction irritations for surrounding neighbors. With all three of these projects going at once in Windermere Circle, there's going to be noise, dust, and traffic issues for the folks living in the Circle, as well as the larger community.
I have several objections as to why this project should not be approved -1) Loss of affordable housing - the renters in the current building will be forced, against their will, to move, costing them money to do so. Further they themselves would not be able to afford to live in the townhouses that are being proposed, causing a decrease in affordable housing in this area and in the city. The other three demolitions and new buildings currently under construction in the neighborhood that will be raising the cost of housing in this community. This is a mixed community with students, young working families and retirees placing an even greater burden on them if forced to move. 2) Parking - an increase in the number of units from 4 to 6 will increase the number of cars. While the project proposes on site parking (as does the current building) it is common for their to be more than one car per unit making on street parking even more congested at that corner 2) Traffic flow - the proposed plan will increase traffic at this intersection. There is already a circle that was added to slow down the traffic coming West on NE 50th Street towards Sand Point Way. This is already a busy / constricted intersection. Adding more traffic will increase risk of accidents 4) Ascetics of neighborhood - the proposed building is in stark contrast to the low level tri and quad pleas currently in this area. There have already been 3 other demolitions and new construction within a block or two of this proposed structure as noted above. These buildings are already blocking views and 5). Health concerns from further demolition and construction - the dust from the demolition, exposed earth piles and earth moving - despite multiple complaints have caused us to have to close all the windows to our residence to keep out the pollutants. Given our residence is not air-conditioned (and even if it was we still need fresh air) this has caused us both health problems. Clearly we can not leave for the weeks or months that the air will be affected, particularly in the summer, and would again ask for the demolition and dirt work be done in the rainy season with extra precautions. Please do not approve this project.
I have lived in my house, very close to the new project, for over 20 years and have watched the housing transitions in the area. I am not opposed to development but feel that it should be appropriately scaled to the neighborhood and take into account both the goals of the developer and the concerns of the neighborhood. While I recognize that NE 50th Street is the demarcation between single family zoning to the south and multiple family zoning to the north, I believe the development as proposed presents an extremely tall and cumbersome vertical façade at this zoning transition. It appears that the intent is to squeeze a maximum number of very narrow units into the available space. This lot currently has a triplex, so the new development would double the number of units on that lot while also quadrupling the height of the structure. I think that reducing the project to 4 units with a maximum height of 3 stories would provide a scale more appropriate to the neighborhood. As designed, the units would create a visual wall that compromises view lines of neighbors to the south and east. I am further concerned that doubling the number of units on this site would further increase the number of cars parking along NE 50th Street which could become a safety issue. NE 50th Street is a busy thoroughfare into the Laurelhurst neighborhood, a conduit to the Villa Academy a few blocks further east, and is frequented by large trucks as well as significant traffic.
I am writing to object to granting approval to this project. With recent demolition of two buildings near us, one about the same distance as this project, our residence and cars were regularly covered in dust from both the demolition, taking dirt away and moving dirt around the site. They used similar methods as noted above. We needed to close our windows causing health issues for myself and my wife due to the heat. Further idling trucks regularly caused us to have to close windows. By the time a complaint was made to either the city, builder or developer it would take days to fix and then start all over again.
The views from two units, just east, on 4402 NE 50th Street will be significantly affected. Further the surrounding units are much lower in height making this unit not compatible with the immediate neighbors. Taking out trees (and other negation) and leaving concrete and a building in it’s place (per the site plan) virtually erases the natural resources of this property. Further we were told by the City that this is an environmentally protected area and those rules and regulations need to be followed.
This project, if completed, would grossly alter the character of the neighborhood. This area is made up of two story duplexes and triplexes built in the middle of the 20th century. The new building(s) would increase the building height and double the number of units on the lot in addition to introducing that modern, plain rectangular building style that maximizes interior space. It would add to the trend of making housing less affordable throughout the city. Three reasonably priced rental units would be replaced by six upscale condominiums, meaning that the people who live there now would not be able to afford to in the future. It's bad enough that the price will increase without the additional limitation of requiring ownership rather than a lease. The exterior wall of this building will also be extremely close to the house next door. This monstrosity is not consistent with the character of the area.
I would like to express my concern and objection to the proposed construction at 4207 NE 50th Street. As a neighbor of this project, I feel this project is disproportionate to the neighborhood, and will change the characteristics of the neighborhood. Specifically, the construction is 1) - Overly dense and disproportionate to the surrounding neighborhood 2)- Lacks adequate parking - Is a structure too tall for the neighborhood - Is a structure which is disproportionately large for the lot size - Does not help to build a community with strong bonds. Please do not approve this project.
Parking would be a concern with several dense multiunit new developments in the block.
I am concerned about pricing out those who can not afford higher priced dwellings.
#6430745 5048 Sand Point Way NE
6 town homes built on one lot where 1950's triplex was demolished. Three town homes to face Sand Point Way NE and three town homes to face Sand Point Place NE
Subdivide one development site into four unit lots and demolish existing building. The construction of residential units is under Project #6477308. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.
#6552793 5001 44th Avenue NE
6 town homes (each to be only 12' wide) on one lot where 2 story 1950's triplex currently exists.
#3028003 5011 44th Avenue NE
Two, two-unit rowhouses (four units total) with surface parking for four vehicles. Existing structure demolished. To be considered with Project #3028004 for shared access.
#3018510 5047 Sand Point Place NE
Three story, 3-unit rowhouse structure in an environmentally critical area. Surface parking for three vehicles. To be considered with Project #3018927 for shared access.
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