Truck parked at new location, since October, in front of
Center for Urban Horticulture
Another view of truck near CUH

Truck at previous location near Talaris
Many neighbors continue to report about an older Dodge two-colored truck, license plate number BO55915, that rarely moves, though the tabs are up to date.
It was parked for over 6 months in front of Talaris at the intersection of NE 41st Street and Surber Drive NE, causing a safety hazrd by limiting sight lines of oncoming traffic.
Shortly after our October Blog post, the truck moved a few hundred feet to in front of the Center for Urban Horticulture where it blends in with other parked cars, but again it hasn't moved for almost 2 months.
The truck continues to get filled with "random junk" as one nearby neighbor reports, that is getting very wet - a suitcase, wood and other items.
The Laurelhurst Blog contacted the City's Parking Enforcement, and Wayne, Parking Enforcement Manager, finally created a service request saying:
.. "a Parking Enforcement Officer will respond to your complaint. Your service request number is 14-00150662. Should you have further questions or want to check the status of you request please call the Parking Enforcement Administrative Office at 206-386-9012.
Mike, Manager of Parking Operations and Traffic Permits also commented:
I will be happy to let Seattle Parking Enforcement know this continues to be an issue for the neighborhood. Besides the 72-hour rule that applies in this case, if the truck is parked in an area where it is causing a potential hazard, Seattle Police Parking Enforcement has the authority to have the vehicle towed if they determine that is appropriate.
One neighbor said "If the truck moves again, we will again report it to Parking Enforcement. The drive is not above the law in following the City's parking laws."
Here is what the City of Seattle 72-hour On-Street Parking Ordinance says:
Regardless of whether or not there is any sign posted, the City's Traffic Code does not allow a vehicle to be parked on a city street for longer than 72 hours. The Traffic Code also prohibits junk motor vehicles from being left on City streets (see Abandoned Vehicle Hotline) (SMC 11.72.440).
Although some people may not use their vehicles on a regular basis (and therefore leave them parked on the street), the vehicles must still be moved every 72 hours and comply with all posted signs, including the ones announcing temporary parking restrictions that may go into effect after 24 hours. When a car is parked on a public street, drivers are encouraged to check their car at least once a day, even if their car is on a street where they are allowed to park up to the citywide 72-hour maximum.
To report any abandoned vehicle in the City go here or call the Seattle Police Department Abandoned Vehicles Hotline at (206) 684-8763. And for more information on the 72-hour On-Street Parking Ordinance, call (206) 684 ROAD (684-7623.
Here are comments received from residents:
Does anyone know the story behind this old truck that has been parked at the corner of NE41st Street and Surber since the summer? It doesn't move for several weeks at a time and seems to collect a lot of junk while parked there. Occasionally it is removed for about a day, but always returns empty.
We are concerned about this truck because it is parked at a very busy intersection limiting sight lines. Pedestrians and cyclists need to go out into the road there to get around it. A further problem is that the sidewalk heading east on the north side of NE 41st Street ends at that intersection and people often need to cross NE41st Street there. There is a nice brick crosswalk there for that purpose, but this truck makes using that crosswalk particularly dangerous because you need to go out into the street before you can see any traffic coming from the east.
If anyone knows the owner, please tell him to park that truck in a more suitable location. We have reported this to SPD parking enforcement but received no response.
Seems this problem has happened several times in the neighborhood and probably throughout the City. People leave their cars in random places that they only drive from time to time. People should report this to SPD as soon as a car doesn't move for 3 days, with license number and cross streets. SPD takes about 3 weeks to tag a car, but they eventually do and will end up ticketing then towing a car if it does not get moved. But if the vehicle does move, check streets nearby as the driver may have just moved it around the corner.
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