Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Attempted Armed Robbery On 4400 Block Of 52nd Avenue NE

An armed robbery attempt in the 4400 block of 52nd Avenue NE was reported by several neighbors to the Laurelhurst Blog.  

One neighbor said:

On Monday, October 9th at 9:15am, I was told that an armed man with a gun approached a construction worker in front of a home and demanded the keys to the BMW owned by the homeowners. I'm unsure what happened after that except that he was caught. 
The house has been under construction for a long time. The poor homeowners were recently robbed another time and a SWAT team was previously on this street in the last year for another armed individual.

I was told by a Villa parent and student that Villa was in a modified lock/down or lock up, but am unsure how long. 

An armed robbery is very alarming! And the Police report also says that the individual  was in possession of narcotics/meth-Offense number 4.  A witness said he was high on drugs. 
On the same morning, police handcuffed a man who was in a vacant house, under construction on 51st Avenue NE just north of 41st Street near NE Latimer Place.  The man was with a woman and had slept in a car overnight on the street. They were described as homeless.

The Seattle Police Department police report says of the incident on 52nd Avenue NE:
Robbery - Street gun- Attempted
Theft - Car Prowl - Completed
Weapons Possession - Completed
Narc- Possess - Meth - Completed

The Laurelhurst Blog contacted Villa Academy Head of School John Milroy, about the incident who did not respond.

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