Friday, September 1, 2017

Intruder In House Break-In On 45th Avenue NE, South Of The Park, Leaves Backpack With Syringes

The Laurelhurst Blog received this information:
My parents house was broken into on the night of August 30th at 3:30am  on  45th Avenue NE, south of Laurelhurst Park towards Webster Point.  The house is on a street to street lot and the intruder exited the property onto 44th Avenue NE.

The brazen robber shattered a sliding glass door with a large landscaping stone which allowed him to enter the home without tripping the alarm. Luckily, my parents have motion detectors and a rather old school and really loud alarm, so he was scared off before he could reach the upstairs.  

The robber left behind a backpack that contained syringes, so we know the level of criminal that we're dealing with. I have no doubt he has been casing the house and knew no one was home.  
A neighbor got a pretty good look at the guy as he casually walked down 44th Avenue NE as the alarm was blaring . 

We know this stuff is happening frequently around our neighborhood (often in the middle of the day), and more than ever we need to be vigilant and keep an eye out for one another. No big losses this time, but I know this is not the case for everyone. Sounds like this is an individual that has possibly been around the neighborhood before. We need to all be vigilant.

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