Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Register Now For Free SR520 West Approach Bridge North Tour

WSDOT invites the public to a tour of the West Approach Bridge North portion of SR520 on May 3rd from 5:30-7pm. 

Registration closes at 4pm tomorrow and there are a few spots left. 

WSDOT sent out this information:.

UW tour

We're excited to announce the launch of the West Approach Bridge North summer public tours to view the construction of the SR 520 WABN project in Montlake before it opens to traffic later this year.
You will learn about our efforts to replace vulnerable bridges, see unique design features of the new structure and get a sneak-peek at the new extension of the bicycle/pedestrian path along SR 520.
Tour spots are limited – CLICK HERE to register for the free tourRead the Tour Details and Rules of Participation, provided on the webpage, in detail before registering. At this website you will find more details about the tour including the meeting location, the start time, what type of shoes to wear and how to contact us if you have any questions.
If you are unable to join attend on May 3, another tour will be offered later in the summer. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for the announcement of the second tour date.

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