Thursday, November 10, 2016

Seattle Police Department Car Prowl Tips

The Laurelhurst Blog regularly received reports of car break-ins and car prowls and reports them on the Blog.

Seattle Police Department reported that to date there have been almost 3000 car prowls in Seattle this year, which is up by more than 500 from last year.   

Seattle Police offers these simple ways to lower the chance of having your car broken into:
  • Remove all your valuables.
  • Put your gym bag in the trunk. A bad guy just sees a bag to steal.
  • Before leaving your parked car, always remove the keys, roll up the windows and lock the car.
  • If your car is stored in a carport or parked near your house, leave your exterior lights on throughout the night.
  • If you park your car in a dark or isolated area, consider the City Light Area Lighting Program, which permits additional light fixtures to be placed on existing poles. The cost is less than $5 per month per light. Call (206) 684-3000 for more information.
  • Finally, if you find yourself the victim of a car prowl either call police or report it online.   Without a report we can't track crime and direct patrols into the area to stop emerging crime trends.

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