Seattle City's Tree Ambassador Program and reLeaf program is accepting applications through tomorrow to become a volunteer to serve as a resource for the neighborhood in various capacities.
The information says:
The Tree Ambassador program empowers residents to become stewards of the urban forest and serve as resources for their local community. Tree Ambassadors are trained in the basics of urban forestry and community organizing. Tree Ambassadors work in teams to develop neighborhood projects such as tree walks, invasive species removal workdays, and/or tree plantings.
Two types of projects are available:
- Tree Walks: ambassadors develop tours to highlight interesting or significant trees in their neighborhoods and lead their walk as a public event. The training includes tree identification, map making, and organizing community events. Seattle reLeaf staff help volunteers identify good routes, map trees on that route, write text, and put together a public event.
- Tree Stewardship: Help care for trees on neighborhood streets and public landscapes. Ambassadors adopt sites and organize work parties to weed, mulch, and care for the trees that make our neighborhoods greener and healthier. Training includes how to care for trees, identify and remove invasive species, properly mulch, and organize fun and safe community events. Seattle reLeaf staff help volunteers develop site plans, organize community work parties, and secure tools, mulch, and other equipment.
Upcoming trainings:
- Orientation Training (Required): Thursday, May 26th from 6pm – 8pm at Seattle City Hall
- Tree Walk Training: Saturday, June 4th 10:30 am – 2:30 pm in Rainier Beach
- Tree Stewardship Training: Saturday, June 11th 10am - 3-pm in Wallingford
Go here to learn more about the program.
For questions email TreeAmbassador@Seattle.gov or call (206) 615-1668.
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