Three Feet of Sunshine's 7th Annual Monster Bash, benefitting Seattle Children's Pediatric Advanced Care Team, is happening this Saturday from 3-7pm at St. Stephen's Church (4805 NE 45th Street). The cost for the event is $13 and will be held rain or shine.
The event will have a variety of activities for all ages, including pony rides, Dracula’s dance-off, ghoulish games and prizes, creepy crafts, the Phantom Photo Booth, costume contest and parade, haunted house, Seattle Fire Department firetruck, pumpkin painting, kid's dj and dancing, crafts, popcorn, cotton candy, cauldron of prizes and the Yummy Mummy Cupcake Walk. UW Dental School will provide some Tricks-and-Treats-to-Protect-
The popular kids band, Recess Monkey, will perform two shows. Every guest will receive a Halloween themed cupcakes, donated by Trophy Cupcakes. And Craven Farm is donating pumpkins for each child to take home. Guests will also be treated to re-usable Trick-OR-Treat totes.
Also available will be the card signing station, where giant cards will be signed and sent to Seattle Children’s patients who are spending Halloween in the hospital.
Three Feet of Sunshine was established by Amy and Klane White in July 2009 in memory of their daughter, Susannah, who spent the last year of her life at Seattle Children's Hospital, in the care of the palliative and nursing teams at Children's Hospital.
The logo (below) was actually designed by Susannah at 8 years old. And the name, Three Feet of Sunshine, came from a friend of Susannah's who wrote a tribute to Susannah with that title, about about their friendship, as an assignment in 9th grade.
Three Feet of Sunshine, a Seattle Children's Guild, "is dedicated to enriching the lives of children and families who bear the weight of potentially life-threatening illnesses, by sharing the ever-sunny disposition and steadfast spirit of sweet Susannah - a little girl, despite spending the last year of her life in the hospital, always had a smile to give and a hug to share. We raise awareness and funds aimed at providing opportunities and extending support programs devoted to enhancing quality of life for pediatric patients and their families."
All proceeds from this fun event benefit Seattle Children's Hospital Pediatric Advanced Care Team. "Great fun for a great cause!' Amy says.
For more information go here or visit Facebook.

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