Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Check Out Seattle 2035 Plans

The City of Seattle recently sent out this information for the city's growth plan:

Have you checked out the Seattle 2035 Draft EIS?

You have 30 days left to review and submit your comments. The Draft EIS looks at four different ways that Seattle could grow over the next 20 years, and the potential impacts to the built and natural environment. Comments on the Draft EIS must be submitted by June 18, so be sure to get your comments in soon.

We have great news! The Seattle Channel will be showing the open house live on the web! Tune in and you'll be able to participate in our interactive poll.

It starts at 6:00 p.m. on May 27. Click here to watch it live.

Want to learn more and provide your feedback? Here's what to do:
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi neighbors,

Thanks for posting this blog on the 2035 Comp Plan.

In the permitting process for new apartments and apodments, developers have to submit an environmental impact statement called a SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) form. I just reviewed the one submitted for an application to build 8 apartments at 5200 22nd Ave NE (project #3020374, comments open till 6.11).


click on documents and look for Land Use: SEPA Checklist

As I read through this document there were many things that were false or construed to minimize its environmental impact or importance.

But, wait, why is the developer filling out the Land Use Checklist at all? The developer's highest priority, as a for-profit company, is to maximize stockholder value, otherwise known as profit. They don't even see the trees and p-patches as having value and importance. They don't live in the neighborhood they're building in so don't care about the impact lack of parking spaces will have. These are things to be ignores or cut down if they stand in the way. They can't care and still want to so urgently build on "undeveloped" lots.

Which got me to thinking. Who should really be filling out this form? For other parts of the process a city department or third party makes as assessment: will the construction or finish building be too close to power lines?—City Lights. How will the building connect to water and sewage pipes?—Public Utilities. And so on.

When you comment on any developer's plans or the 2035 Comp Plan, please remark on this conflict of interest and ask that it be changed in the 2035 Comp Plans to having a city department or another party completes the land use checklist, not the developers!


John Perkins
Ravenna Spring Park