On Sunday from 2-4pm, Friends of Yesler Swamp is having a "Grand Cajun Yesler Swamp Ribbon-Cutting Celebration" at the Center for Urban Horticulture (3501 NE 41st Street).
The information says about this free, all-ages event:
For the past five years, the Friends of Yesler Swamp has been building a boardwalk trail through Yesler Swamp, which constitutes the easternmost part of the Montlake Fill (also called the Union Bay Natural Area; adjacent to the University of Washington).
Music by the Folichon Cajun Band, Jambalya and Watermelon, Guided Swamp Walks. There will be a short program to thank the many organizations and friends whose generosity has made the Yesler Swamp Trail possible. Donations will be accepted to help finish the Trail.
The project is almost completed and here are some pictures from the Friends website:
The Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) recently completed the first phase of the Yesler Swamp boardwalk.

The boardwalk, made of cedar planks, begins on the west side of swamp area and extends out to the Yesler Swamp lagoon.

It includes two overlooks so visitors can pause to enjoy the incredible surroundings.

Getting this section of the boardwalk built is a major accomplishment!
Now, our fantastic Yesler Swamp volunteers are excavating the path in the drier portions of Yesler Swamp that eventually will be paved in gravel.

Later this fall the WCC will return to build new sections of the boardwalk
For more information, contact Jean Colley at colleyj@comcast.net.
Photo by Connie Sidles
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