Friends of Yesler Swamp has recently posted about the first phase of construction, which has been in the works for 14 years, on the boardwalk out to the swamp.
Yesler Swamp is located at the corner of NE 41st and Surber Drive. A rough trail begins at the East parking lot of the Center for Urban Horticulture, winds through the edge of the swamp and returns to the parking lot.
"The Swamp hides the outlet of historic Yesler Creek, skirts a lagoon that connects with Union Bay, and contains an active beaver hut," the website says. A rough trail begins at the East parking lot of the Center for Urban Horticulture, winds through the edge of the swamp and returns to the parking lot.
Here is the latest news from Friends of Yesler Swamp:
The first phase of construction began on the boardwalk in Yesler Swamp. The attached photo shows the crew from Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) setting “diamond pier footings” and inserting metal pins to hold the footings in place, in preparation to actually installing the cedar boardwalk.
The crew is working on the west side of the swamp, so if you want to stop by, you can see how they are doing. They are setting the pin piles in the deepest portion of the west trail before the April 15th cut off date set by the Army Corp of Engineers. The WCC is diverted to help recover the victims of the mudslide and will return in June to install more footings and then lay down the cedar boardwalk itself.
In response to the disturbance caused by this construction in the wetland we are mitigating by removing invasive plants and planting native plants within the swamp. Last year we had one senior UW group. This year we have 2 senior and one junior groups doing this work for us. So you’ll notice lots of pink ribbons and signs saying “restoration in progress” — the work of many talented and energetic UW students to whom we are most grateful.
Thank you to all our friends and supporters who have worked with us since 2009 to make the boardwalk a reality and restore this wonderful 6.4 acre site.(photo courtesy of Yesler Swamp)
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