Thursday, January 16, 2014

Subscribe Now To Neighborhood Private Security Patrol

The Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC), reminded neighbors in their last hard-copy Laurelhurst Newsletter, about the option to subscribe to the neighborhood security patrol, which covers the entire neighborhood area south of Sand Point Way from Mary Gates Way to NE 55th Street.

A uniformed, off-duty Seattle Police officers patrol the neighborhood approximately six nights/days a week for five hours each shift.  The annual cost per family is $200 through the end of the year.

The officer carries a police radio and police firearms and drives anunmarked personal vehicle. The officer monitors incoming 911 calls and responds to neighborhood calls while on patrol as well as working with the official response from the on-duty police officers.

Private patrolling also includes a vacation check. A family can notify LCC Crime Prevention of vacation plans and an officer will perform a walk around of the resident's home during each shift to secure open doors, packages and remove door tags.

The information says:
The success of the patrol depends on neighbor participation — the more families that subscribe, the more coverage the patrol can offer.
Over the past five years, LCC has had very positive response to this program to deter the increasing number of burglaries, car prowls, auto thefts, and vandalism in Laurelhurst.
Coverage is planned for six days/nights a week, but hours will vary depending on funding contributed.

Neighborhood institutions such as schools and churches are encouraged to participate and can contact LCC for cost information.

To subscribe send a $200 check payable to LCC or go on-line.

For more information go here or contact LCC Private Security Patrol Board Member and Crime Prevention Co-Chair, Brian McMullen, at 206-367-9325 or email

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