Friday, March 1, 2013

Reader Asks Drivers To Slow Down And Obey Traffic Signs

We received this email from a neighbor who lives in the 3100 block of  East Laurelhurst Drive NE:
I would like to express concern about the number of reckless drivers, many of whom live in Laurelhurst, who regularly drive our neighborhood streets. The issue has become so bad that, within the past seven days, I have almost been involved in several vehicular accidents where the other drivers have been driving without regard to the rules of the road.  
Most of the incidents have been near the City's construction site by the long hill leading up to the ballfield in the afternoon, mostly.  
The last incident, which happened this past Monday night around 9:15 PM, was by the Yield sign on Surber Drive. I was turning right, after slowing down at the Yield sign, only to almost hit a car that had "cut the corner" to avoid the Yield sign.  This car had also tailgated me from the time I turned onto Surber Drive until I reached the Yield sign.

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