Machine used for taking soil samplesThe Hospital posted on its blog that geo-technical engineers will drill three soil samples this week on the Burke-Gilman trail in preparation for construction of the Burke-Gilman Trail connection at Hartmann this summer.
The Blog says:
On the first day, the crew will take a sample of the soil in the area adjacent to the Burke-Gilman trail. They will access the location via the trail accompanied by two flaggers to alert walkers and cyclists.
On the second day, workers will drill two core samples on the parking lot of the Hartmann building. The equipment will be unloaded at 7 a.m.; work will begin at 8 a.m. and finish by 4 p.m. on both days.
The Bobcat utility vehicle used for this work is relatively light and equipped with rubber treads so there should be no damage to the trail surface. Our engineers are also coordinating with arborists to make sure that the drilling locations will not compromise the roots of the Sequoia tree(s).
We expect minimal noise (about 75 decibels) from the Bobcat’s engine, and some periodic hammering noise (between 90 and 100 decibels).
The proposed new trail connection was discussed at last week's SAC meeting with several people during the public comment period, questioning why the specific location of the new connection, talking about destruction to the trail with the proposed connection, expense of the project as opposed to putting the connection elsewhere with much less cost, and no research carried out on other possible trail connections, other than the one the hospital is proposing.
Todd Johnon, VP of Development, responded in short that where they are proposing, right behind the Hartmann Building, will give the Hospital "control" of it. The connection includes a 300 square foot plaza with lights, path from Hartmann property leading up to the trail and several other features.
A woman from Friends of the Burke-Gilman Trail also spoke about her disappointment with the Hospital not communicating with her group at all during the process to let them know the location of the connection which was of utmost importance as the Group had received a City grant for new plantings at the exact location of the new connection.
The group has also recently spent numerous hours removing invasive plants, which was all for naught as the area they worked on will all be removed by the Hospital for the new connection.
Here is a previous blog post on the issue along with residents comments.
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