Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Laurelhurst Blog Hits TwoYear Anniversary, And Thanks To Our Readers

June 17th marked the two year anniversary of the Laurelhurst Blog. It came and went while the Staff was busy researching and writing posts.

Our intention in starting the blog, two years ago, was to meet the need for a central source of daily information for the neighborhood for news, issues and events.

And we have enjoyed filling that niche and most of all have enjoyed hearing from our readers with comments, story ideas,  pictures and more.  It has helped make the blog sucessful and most of all provide interesting content for our neighborhood blog.

We've had a great time learning about the neighborhood through the wide variety of posts we have done.  We've met many new neighbors through email, including business owners, and always enjoy receiving and responding to reader emails.

Who knew Laurelhurst with a population of around 3,500, had so many events and happenings for a post every day!

854 posts to date, to be exact, with just a few days "off" for holidays.

The blog has been mentioned in other Seattle neighborhood blogs with links back to stories we have done and someone even included it in the entry for Laurelhurst in Wikipedia. We've also been approached by major news outlets to partner with them.

Thank you to the neighborhood for your great support. We have received numerous emails with kudos and flattering comments and we greatly appreciate it.

Please continue to provide your input and send us your story ideas and tips so that we can continue to provide interesting content. We need YOU!

You can also comment on the posts by clicking on "Comments" at the bottom each story.

And most of all:

The Laurelhurst Blog.

You can sign up for a daily email subscription by going to the blog site and clicking on "subscribe via email." Fill in your email address, click "subscribe" and then you will receive an email from Google Feedburner to confirm your subscription.

Click on the link in the email and you will begin receiving a daily email of each Laurelhurst Blog posting automatically. You can also subscribe by RSS feed, if you prefer.

It's very easy and takes about 10 seconds. And no more worries about missing information! You'll be up to date on the news and events happening in Laurelhurst.

And  pass the word on to your to neighbors and friends.

Also, don't miss the Calendar of Events on the website, listing lots of events for our neighborhood as well as other useful neighborhood links.

Once again, thanks to the neighborhood and here's to another year!

Laurelhurst Blog: http://thelaurelhurstblog.blogspot.com/

Contact; laurelhurstblogger@gmail.com

Subscribe: http://thelaurelhurstblog.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your informative blog.

Our family truly appreciates it!

Best to all in charge,