Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Tall Poplar Trees At Children's Being Removed And Other Construction Updates

According to the Children's Hospital construction blog all the remaining poplar trees along the "Plaza walkway" will be coming down this week.

These very very tall trees  ran along the sidewalk bordering the Train and Giraffe buildings and the Laurelon Terrace site. 

In mid-December , some of the poplar trees were removed. Tree specialists climbed the trees and removed limbs to within 30 feet of the ground. The limbs were taken offsite to be chipped and then returned to be used as mulch on site. The lower 30 feet of the trees were taken intact to a mill where they were be converted into wall paneling and ceiling boards.  The same process will continue wtih the removal of the remaining poplar trees.

The removal of these poplar trees has been delayed until the electrical utility relocation was completed in the same area.

The blog says that the poplar trees are being sent to a company that will recycle the wood for a variety of purposes.

"Their removal should not impact traffic but there may be some noise related to this activity during the day. The crew will fall the trees away from the hospital’s Train building toward the job site. The construction team will then remove the wood with trucks during normal working hours," the blog says.

Also this week, as mentioned in the Weekly Construction Bulletin, excavation and utility vault installation will continue north of the Plaza walkway along NE 45th Street. Trucks will be parked along NE 45th Street from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

And actitivy continues on the Laurelon site with equipment that will be "grading the site to prepare for soldier pile installation. Drill benches will be created for drilling access and mass excavation of the building footprint will begin."

You can find more information here or call the information hotline at 206-987-6197.

(photo courtesy of construction blog)

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